Spring Cleaning – Closet Organization Tips

Believe it or not, Spring is just around the corner and you know what that means: time for Spring cleaning! A great time to tidy, declutter, and put whatever 2020 was behind us. Tackling spring clean can definitely be overwhelming, but if you take it day by day, set manageable goals, and keep a list, you and your home will be feeling good-as-new in no time. The closet is a great place to start especially when it comes to decluttering. A neat and tidy closet can feel like a clear mind. These are our tips for tackling that closet.

The best place to start is to make a game plan, thus deciding what to: keep, sell, donate. Empty out your closet and separate everything into three piles: keep, maybe, and not keep.

The KEEP pile
This is the easy part! Put away the clothes you wear regularly, are in season, or that you know you are not parting with. As you do this, organize it in a way that’s right for you - by item type, colour, or favourite outfit combinations. Rotating your closet every season is a great way to make a habit of keeping your closet clutter-free.

Next, store off season items (clothing, accessories, footwear, outerwear) and formal wear that doesn’t yet have an occasion. Putting away clothes that you won’t wear for a few months allows space physically and visually for you to stay organized.

The MAYBE pile
This is where pieces will return with the ‘keeps’ to the closet or join the ‘not keep’ pile. Choosing to part with items in your closet can be difficult, time-consuming, and exhausting. Comb through these items methodically and ask yourself these questions:

  • Why haven’t I worn this?

  • Does it flatter my body’s shape? Is it worth having tailored?

  • Is it comfortable?

  • Do I like the fabric it’s made of?

  • Does the colour compliment me?

  • Does it suit my current lifestyle?

This exercise will give you the opportunity to think critically about each of your ‘maybes’ - there’s a reason you put it in that pile after all! Something you once loved may not suit your lifestyle anymore and that’s okay. By taking some of the emotion out of these decisions, organizing your closet becomes a less painful and more rewarding process. You may also notice trends that help improve your future shopping habits.

Shop Your Closet
Another way to decide whether or not to keep certain items is by re-imagining them and how they can be worn. Channel your inner Alyssa Beltempo and ‘shop your closet’. Take inspiration from Instagram or Pinterest and see if any of the maybes can help round out an outfit idea. You can read more on her process on her site.

Identify trends, fads, and classics
Fads represent items whose moment has come and gone (matrix sunglasses and biker shorts … #notsorry). Trends last a little longer and make their mark, but once they’re out, you won’t be seeing them come back into fashion for another 20 years. Lastly, classics are always in style and should have a permanent place in your closet. A white button-down, well-made blazer, and the little black dress are perfect examples. By identifying which of these categories your pieces may fall under, you can figure out what is worth keeping and what can go.

Identify Multiples
Lastly, identify multiples. White tees are always good to have in multiples, but how many pairs of nearly identical light wash jeans do you need?

Hang and put away all the pieces that made the cut. It’s time for the last step: separating the items in the ‘not keep’ pile and choosing whether to sell or donate them.

The NOT KEEP pile

We have said it before and we will say it again - selling your clothing is a great way to clear out your closet and make some spending money for pieces that will serve you better! Learn more about how to make money consigning and which criteria your pieces need to meet to be accepted at Trove. We accept Spring clothing from January until March.

Donate clothing that no longer serves you, doesn’t meet the requirements for consigning, but is still in good enough shape to be used by someone else. This could include clothing from brands that aren’t accepted at consignment stores or out of fashion/out of date clothing. Choose to donate to an organization or thrift store that is community run or not for profit. For business attire, you can choose an organization such as Dress for Success that accepts workwear and professional clothing for economically disadvantaged women looking to enter the workforce.

“Part of the mandate of Dress for Success Ottawa is to provide economically disadvantaged but employment-ready women with interview-appropriate suits and accessories. The clothing you give is very important to us because they help to provide women with the tools they need to look great, feel great and thrive in their chosen professions!”
- Dress for Success Ottawa

Take advantage of your closet being empty and vacuum all over and wipe down any shelves or drawers. Throw away any broken hangers and shopping bags that may have accumulated. Spring cleaning is time for a deep clean, and that means getting into all the nooks and crannies of your home.


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